In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we provide the following information:
Owner of this site: IGLOO CREATIVO SL
Address: C/ Calatayud 6, Escalera 5, 3º F
Postal code and city: 22005 - Huesca
Province (Country): Huesca (Spain)
CIF: B22375604
Phone: +34 974 002 677
Igloo Creativo SL makes this website available to Internet users to provide information about the products or services it offers, as well as to allow users to make any type of inquiry or suggestion through the form provided for this purpose.
The criteria followed by Igloo Creativo SL regarding the use of personal data freely and voluntarily provided by users are mentioned in its Privacy Policy.
Igloo Creativo SL may, at any time and without prior notice, make modifications and updates to the information contained on this website or in its configuration or presentation. Consequently, it does not guarantee the full effectiveness of its website nor the absence of errors.
Likewise, the owner of this website is not responsible for direct or indirect damages that may arise from the use of the website or its content. Nor is it responsible for any computer damage that may be caused to the visiting user by accessing the content of this site. It does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the content that may produce alterations in the user's computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in their computer system.
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Any third-party link to this website must be made in good faith and respecting the rights of the owner and prior communication to the site owner indicated above is required.
The link must contain the indication of the source "Igloo Creativo SL" and the effect of clicking the "link button" will be to connect to any page of the Igloo Creativo SL website and not to incorporate the website content into another page (framing).
Igloo Creativo SL assumes no responsibility for the connection or content of links from this website to other third-party sites. The function of the links is for the user to obtain additional information about those contents. Igloo Creativo SL does not exercise any control over those websites, nor is it responsible for their content.
All content displayed on this website, including designs, texts, logos, brands, buttons, or any other symbols susceptible to industrial and commercial use, are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of Igloo Creativo SL or third parties.
If you wish to make any suggestions or comments, you can contact us via email at: